Matt Randolph for

Gloucestershire Police and Crime Commissioner

The role of a Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is to be the voice of the people in policing, and to hold the Chief Constable to account for how he/she discharges their functions.

My priority is to ensure the delivery of an effective, fair and efficient police service within Gloucestershire. I believe our current system favours certain groups of people over others, and I want to see all crimes remedied no matter whether it was committed by a member of the public, or a figure in public office who has enabled a crime due to malfeasance or nonfeasance.

Our police force must act independently of any government policies or interference from political parties. Their focus must return to holding criminals accountable, and not using the public as a form of revenue sourcing for civil matters. We pay for a police service, and not a police force!

I will be accountable to the public, and commit to being available to listen to public concerns via social media, phone and public meetings.

  • I will investigate the endemic corruption in our public authorities and make sure people are held to account
  • Police, not politics!
  • Get the best budget and make sure this money is spent on tackling real crime
  • More bobbies on the street
  • Police service that protects the public, not the corporations
How to vote:
Ballot papers for the PCC are available when you go to your local polling station to elect your councillor on 2nd May 2024.
Mobile: 07855 400735
Email: [email protected]

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Matt appears on UK COLUMN News

Richard House Ph.D. [retired university lecturer] writes:

In his recent appearance on UKC News (3 April), presenter CHARLES MALET called Matt "a shining beacon" for what ordinary people can do in the face of what can easily feel like an impenetrable "establishment" club. In his interview, Matt comes across as modest, direct, honest and trustworthy - and so certainly uncapturable by establishment vested interests! And courageous, too! Matt spoke of the brilliant work he and his campaigning colleagues have done recently in confronting Gloucester City Council on their negligence in relation to 5G implementation, which has precipitated the planning and compliance officers to resign!

We desperately need someone with this kind of courage and independence to represent our interests. Matt is the only candidate who is genuinely INDEPENDENT, and not part of the Uni-party political establishment and the party-political pantomime that we're all fed up with. In the recent Rochdale by-election, the Independent candidate won more votes than the Conservative and Labour candidates put together. What Rochdale did, we can do here... so vote for genuine representation; VOTE FOR MATT!

Excerpted & adapted from an article in Brighter Times magazine

How to vote:
Ballot papers for the PCC are available when you go to your local polling station to elect your councillor on 2nd May 2024.
Mobile: 07855 400735
Email: [email protected]

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